2024 Global Kidney Cancer Summit

The 14th International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) Global Kidney Cancer Summit took place in Incheon, South Korea from 14-16 April 2024.

The summit encompassed various programmes, including educational sessions on kidney cancer disease and treatment perspectives, disseminating information about kidney cancer, and nurturing patient support through dialogue among participants. The 2024 Global Kidney Cancer Summit reportcan be found here. See photos from the meeting on our facebook page here.

Thank you to everyone who joined us in Korea and took part in the discussions both in person and online. It was a pleasure to see so many colleagues from around the world, and especially wonderful to form collaborations with new partners from across Asia.


2023 Global Kidney Cancer Summit

The 13th Global Kidney Cancer Summit was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 18th – 20th June 2023. We welcomed 33 patient support groups from 23 countries. Over the 3 days we followed the patient pathway touching on all aspects of a kidney cancer diagnosis from early detection and concluding with survivorship. The 2023 Global Kidney Cancer Summit report can be found here. See photos from the meeting on our facebook page here.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us in Buenos Aires. It was a pleasure to collaborate with friends and colleagues from around the world – and especially wonderful to meet so many new partners from across Central and South America.


2022 Global Kidney Cancer Summit 

The 12th Global Kidney Cancer Summit 2022 – the International Conference for Organisations Representing Patients with Kidney Cancer – was held in beautiful in Orta San Giulio, Italy in October 2022. We welcomed 28 Affiliate Organisations from 21 countries in person. Affiliates also had the opportunity to join the conference virtually. The 2022 Global Kidney Cancer Summit report can be found here.

For more information about our Global Summits, please contact Rebecca Cubbage: events@ikcc.org



2021 Global Kidney Cancer Summit

The 11th annual Global Kidney Cancer Summit took place virtually in September 2021. A huge thank you to everyone who came to build and strengthen connections.

Over the two-day event, we learnt from each other, shared our successes and challenges and collectively built capacity across the kidney cancer network. We also shared highlights from ESMO 21 and heard from the winners of the Cecile and Ken Youner Scholarship Award 2021.

Read our full conference report here: IKCC Conference Report 2021

For more information about our Global Summits, please contact Julia Black: julia@ikcc.org


2020 Global Kidney Cancer Summit

The 10th annual Global Kidney Cancer Summit – the only international conference for organisations representing patients with kidney cancer was held over four days throughout October and November.  For the first time, the conference took place virtually, bringing together the global patient advocate community to learn, share and explore ways to improve the lives of people affected by kidney cancer.

The 2020 Global Summit included a variety of plenary sessions and networking opportunities for patient organisations from around the world with an interest in supporting patients with kidney cancer. The keynote address was given by Dr William G. Kaelin, Jr, Nobel Laureate in Medicine from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.

While we could not meet in person this year, we enjoyed connecting with the kidney cancer community virtually and learning from all the informative discussions and presentations that took place. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Read our full conference report here: IKCC Global Kidney Cancer Summit 2020 Report

For more information about our Global Summits, please contact Julia Black: julia@ikcc.org


2019 Annual Conference

Lisbon, Portugal, 4th – 6th April 2019

Over 50 patient advocates from 25 countries met in Lisbon for our 9th Global Kidney Cancer Summit.

Highlights included a keynote lecture by Professor Serena Barello from the Catholic University of Milan who discussed the value of patient activation. Throughout the three-day meeting patient organisation leaders learned about latest developments in kidney cancer care, discussed active patient involvement and shared experiences and best practices. This meeting was held alongside a Clinical Experts meeting hosted by the Associação Portuguesa de Urologia and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Urologia.

Read our full conference report here: IKCC Global Kidney Cancer Summit 2019 Report

See photos from our 2019 conference on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/search/?q=ikcc&searchtype=top&epa=SERP_TAB


2018 Annual Conference

Mexico City, 12th, 13th & 14th April 2018

Our 8th IKCC Conference for kidney cancer patient organisations recently held in Mexico City, Mexico was a huge success with over 50 kidney cancer patient advocates from 25 countries attending.

Throughout the three-day meeting patient organisation leaders learned about latest developments in kidney cancer care, discussed active patient involvement and shared experiences with national healthcare policies. This meeting was held alongside a Clinical Experts meeting hosted by the Latin American Renal Cancer Group (LARCG) the Mexican Society of Urology (SMU) and the Mexican Association of Urological Oncology (MAUO).

During the Annual General Meeting, Dr. Rachel Giles, Chair of IKCC, announced the organisation’s inaugural Medical Advisory Board.

To read the full agenda from our three day conference please click here: IKCC 2018 Conference Agenda

For information about the conference and the new IKCC Medical Advisory Board please click here:
IKCC News Item 2018-04


2017 Annual Conference

3385_de_02_p_1024x768Warsaw, Poland 6th, 7th & 8th April 2017

 Over 50 kidney cancer advocates from 28 countries met in Warsaw, Poland for our 7th international conference for organisations representing patients with kidney cancer.

The first ever Global Kidney Cancer Awareness Day – Thursday 22nd June 2017 – was officially launched following the keynote address on the ‘Global Burden of Kidney Cancer’ delivered by Prof. Dr. Hendrik van Poppel of Belgium.

During our conference we heard from many other well respected clinicians and experts covering important topics including clinical trials, supportive care, radiotherapy, risk factors and real world evidence.

Throughout the three-day meeting patient group leaders from around the world also heard about latest developments in kidney cancer care, discussed active patient involvement and shared experiences with national healthcare policies.

To read the full agenda from our three day conference click here.

Photos: See photos from our 2017 conference on our Facebook page

For information about our global conferences please contact Julia Black, Project Manager, IKCC: Julia@ikcc.org

Past Conferences