What is the term of appointment for Board Directors?
Director appointments are initially for a term of 3 years. Upon completion of this term, Directors are eligible to be appointed for one additional 3-year term. Office Bearers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer) may serve additional terms of up to 2-years as Past-Chair and 1-year as Past Vice-Chair and Secretary/Treasurer.
How many positions are available?
We are seeking to appoint up to 3 new Directors in this recruitment round.
Where do I submit my application?
All applications must be submitted via email on or before June 30 2024 to Julia Black, Chief Operating Officer, julia@ikcc.org
When will appointments to the Board be made?
All applications will be acknowledged immediately upon submission. Review of applications will take place following the closing date of June 30 2024.
The interview and selection process for Director roles will take place in the 3rd quarter of 2024 and it is anticipated that candidates will join the Board effective November 1 2024. All applicants will be advised via email of the outcome of their application. We are anticipating that the appointees will be available to join Board meetings beginning in the 4th quarter of 2024. The formal term for Director appointments commences from the annual AGM.
Who will be considering my application?
Initially the Board’s Nominations Committee consisting of office bearers including one of the two Board Affiliate members will consider the applications and make shortlisting recommendations to the Board. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Board to allow ample time for the individuals and the Board to have a fulsome discussion and to further assess according to the key selection criteria for the role. According to our Deed of Incorporation, all appointments are made by the Board.
How will my application be assessed?
The Nominations Committee will look at which candidates have the most suitable skills, personal attributes, and experience for appointment. The factors that are considered when assessing applications include:
- Professional experience/expertise as required for the role
- Past or current experience working within or alongside current IKCC affiliate organisations or potential affiliate organisations
- Non-profit/commercial organisation involvement/activities, particularly in cancer and/or kidney cancers or kidney disease
- Board/Committee leadership and governance experience
- Cultural fit, including demonstrated ability to collaborate, work respectfully in a team environment with fellow Directors
- Specific skillsets identified by the Board for each position
- Diversity considerations such as gender, disability, geographic spread, culture.
Will any training or induction be provided for new Directors?
All newly appointed Directors will be required to commit to a formal orientation program that includes approximately 12 hours for materials review to familiarise themselves with the organisation and its Strategic Plan, one-on-one mentoring, and ongoing support from a current Board Director.
Are Director roles remunerated?
Director roles are voluntary, so there is no renumeration. When the IKCC requires Directors to travel on business, travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the IKCC travel expenses policy.
Who do I contact if I have any further questions?
If you have any questions or require more information about the Board of Director roles, please contact Julia Black, Chief Operating Officer, julia@ikcc.org